Hi to everyone who visit this blog,
This may not be the first you have visited nor will it be the last. Every blog i believed is created for a purpose. My intention for this blog is to create a channel where i'm able to record my thoughts process as i go through this lifetime and years down the road I'll remember all the things that I've learnt, situation i've encountered and decisions i've made. And in the midst of it I hope that it'll be of a help to many by inspiring, and changing the way people think when they go through the similar things and situations may it be Spiritual, Relationship with Family and friends, Career, Finances or any other areas.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Alvin and this year I'll be turning 29. I've been a christian for the past 7 years ever since i came to City Harvest Church in 2001, Aug 10. I'm married to a wonderful wife, Andrea for a year now and it has been one of the best decisions I've made.
In ministry, I'm serving in church as a cell group leader for the past 4 years and now taking greater responsibility in being a Senior Zone leader handling mainly adults.
I am working in the telco industry, StarHub Ltd since graduation from SIMU with a bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance.
Other things to mention, in NS, I'm a Company 2IC (2nd In Command) in a defence battallion holding the rank of Lieutanent.
My favourite past time is watching movie, playing snooker/pool, singing and worshipping God.
My favourite Speakers: Pastor Kong Hee, Dr A R Bernard, Dr Phil Pringle, Rev Ulf Ekman.
People i admire (Those who has set their hearts 100% to do what they are passionate in and has create an impact in the community that they are in):
Michael Jordan, Stephen Hendry, Jacky Cheung, Pastor Kong Hee.
Many people have different interpretation of what success is. To some are bringing food everyday on the table just like Stephen Chow in the recent show CJ7. To some are driving fanciful big cars, staying in condominiums, working at the top management of MNCs. So what exactly is the real definition of success? Would you be happy when you are in that position?
Someone once said Happiness is not a goal, it is a state and i fully agree on this. State is something you can change immediately. Happiness is a choice. Statistics shows that 90% of the people are unhappy all the time. Either they are unhappy about their jobs, bosses, relationships, husband and wife, their kids etc and etc.. the list goes on.
The issue lies in the perspective of things. A common analogy is the half filled glass. It can be deemed as half full or half empty or a coin that has 2 sides. When things happen, most of us tends to look at the negative aspect of the thing and judge the situation before even considering the other side and the possibility. The truth is that every problem lies an opportunity, every crisis leads to a greater breakthrough.
Imagine you have to write or tell a story about your life right now. How would your story be one that can captivate the audience? Would a bed of roses story works? Or a life full of crisis? Or one that went through tough challenges and setbacks and ultimately rose up to a place of victory?
Dr Edwin Louise Cole said this Champions are not those who never fails but those who never quits.
Real Success to me is the ability to go through series of setback without losing the passion and enthusiasm about pursuing your dreams in life.
Enjoy your life to the fullest each day!
This may not be the first you have visited nor will it be the last. Every blog i believed is created for a purpose. My intention for this blog is to create a channel where i'm able to record my thoughts process as i go through this lifetime and years down the road I'll remember all the things that I've learnt, situation i've encountered and decisions i've made. And in the midst of it I hope that it'll be of a help to many by inspiring, and changing the way people think when they go through the similar things and situations may it be Spiritual, Relationship with Family and friends, Career, Finances or any other areas.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Alvin and this year I'll be turning 29. I've been a christian for the past 7 years ever since i came to City Harvest Church in 2001, Aug 10. I'm married to a wonderful wife, Andrea for a year now and it has been one of the best decisions I've made.
In ministry, I'm serving in church as a cell group leader for the past 4 years and now taking greater responsibility in being a Senior Zone leader handling mainly adults.
I am working in the telco industry, StarHub Ltd since graduation from SIMU with a bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance.
Other things to mention, in NS, I'm a Company 2IC (2nd In Command) in a defence battallion holding the rank of Lieutanent.
My favourite past time is watching movie, playing snooker/pool, singing and worshipping God.
My favourite Speakers: Pastor Kong Hee, Dr A R Bernard, Dr Phil Pringle, Rev Ulf Ekman.
People i admire (Those who has set their hearts 100% to do what they are passionate in and has create an impact in the community that they are in):
Michael Jordan, Stephen Hendry, Jacky Cheung, Pastor Kong Hee.
Many people have different interpretation of what success is. To some are bringing food everyday on the table just like Stephen Chow in the recent show CJ7. To some are driving fanciful big cars, staying in condominiums, working at the top management of MNCs. So what exactly is the real definition of success? Would you be happy when you are in that position?
Someone once said Happiness is not a goal, it is a state and i fully agree on this. State is something you can change immediately. Happiness is a choice. Statistics shows that 90% of the people are unhappy all the time. Either they are unhappy about their jobs, bosses, relationships, husband and wife, their kids etc and etc.. the list goes on.
The issue lies in the perspective of things. A common analogy is the half filled glass. It can be deemed as half full or half empty or a coin that has 2 sides. When things happen, most of us tends to look at the negative aspect of the thing and judge the situation before even considering the other side and the possibility. The truth is that every problem lies an opportunity, every crisis leads to a greater breakthrough.
Imagine you have to write or tell a story about your life right now. How would your story be one that can captivate the audience? Would a bed of roses story works? Or a life full of crisis? Or one that went through tough challenges and setbacks and ultimately rose up to a place of victory?
Dr Edwin Louise Cole said this Champions are not those who never fails but those who never quits.
Real Success to me is the ability to go through series of setback without losing the passion and enthusiasm about pursuing your dreams in life.
Enjoy your life to the fullest each day!
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