Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Within the book itself, there are 66 other books, 39 in the old testaments (before the birth of Christ) and 27 in the new testaments. One book which stands out among the rest (In my opinion) is the book of Proverbs which was written by the wisest man in history, King Solomon.
It has 31 chapters to it, every single chapter relates to issues of life ranging from family to finances. It is recommended to read a chapter a day for daily wisdom.
Monday, November 24, 2008
What an amazing Asia Conference!
Day one:
Tremendous opening sessions with an overwhelming crowd. It's probably one of the largest crowd in Singapore Christian history probably in Asia of more than 20,000 people in a single session. CHC lift up to the expectations of the people by parading the best of all the ministries in church ranging from children church to drama, BBG, CHCSA etc. It reminded me of how i was drawn to the church when i first came during the 12th anniversary. The atmosphere was electrifying and hardly any pauses or dry moments. Heaven is indeed singing during the session. Andrea and i were seated at the last row of the bravo terrace overseeing the entire crowd of the place. My molehill mindset was immediately magnified on the possibility of the ministry that one could have. 30-40 members is not going to be my limit i proclaim. Pastor Kong's message on the 3rd space is a good recap on how Christians should not be boxed up in the 4 walls of the church but to engage the upper class society which will change the world.
Day 2:
Pastor Phil spearheaded this day by moving mightily through the leading of the Holy Spirit, prophesying to the different nations for revival. Tears were seen flowing in the eyes of many. I caught something from this move about the importance of believing in someone and encouragement that will change a person's life. I stood near to the front and it was as through God is encouraging me personally to move on strongly for God. Fear not, for i am with you!
Pastor Ulf Ekman took the later session and evening slots. Again the evidence of the Holy Spirit power was clearly found in this 60 over years old man of God. His zest and energy on the pulpit would have put many youngsters to shame in comparison.
Day 3
Probably the all-time favourite preacher of City Harvest, Dr A R Bernard took the stage delivering which i believed is the most revelational message of the entire conference. He opened with an interesting topic about the recent US election and how Obama's victory signifies the Kairos time where the finger of God is touching the human affairs in a great way. He use a parallel to the book of Daniel whereby the reign of Nebecenezza's(dunno how to spell) kingdom came to an end. He used the term 'Insulation' which i believe is the word for the conference which represent how Christians should be functioning in the world, keeping the warmth and fire of God internally through the layers of Spiritual protections and preventing the cold from entering into the lives of the believer. Wow! How come i can never think like the way he does?
Day 4:
Miracle man Benny Hinn! Although this man often found to be controversial in many articles and website forum, manages an entire spirit-filled 4 hour session. Besides the 'usual' miracles seen in the meeting, what was amazing was the salvation message he preached along with the move of the spirit drew the largest altar call crowd i've ever seen and also the challenging offering message which i believed left many pockets empty that day. He further shared about the calling of God which he deemed is higher than family and work, which left me pondering about the basic doctrines i learnt of priorities God, family, work, ministry. Fortunately, this portion was cleared the following day by Pastor Kong. He also gave a prophesy about Israel which left many with great concern about what is going to happen in the next few years, which Pastor Kong also mention to shelf it. Nevertheless it was still a great service.
Final Day:
It's Dr Phil Pringle again. In his last session, he joked that he finally had the chance to preach the sermon he prepared. He shared on the book of Ezekiel about resurrection of the dry bones. How we serve a God that is alive! He continue build on the faith of the congregation about how we can change the nations if only we can take control of our own city. Also he gave lots of praises for what Pastor Kong did for this Asia Conference.
Night session start at 530pm after the beauty pageant. Our CK hunk Ricando won the Mr Asia Conference, unfortunately Cleo dint do likewise. Praise and worship was fantastic as usual. The song 'The God i know' sang into the hearts of many and also sums up the theme of this entire conference. The Church we know is righteous and holy, who strengthens the weak, light of the city... The night stretches with lots of performance from the Choir, orchestra, dance, celebrity performing etc.
Dr Bernard is the last speaker of this conference. Similar theme to what we've learnt. Change a person, change the place, change the nation. The city and nations will only be change by touching one life at a time. Indeed it's through the caring system which our church has adopt caused our church to grow to where we are today. I began pondering about my little cg and ministry. Have i impacted the lives of the members in my cg? Have i met their needs and caused them to do likewise?
Asia Conference has ended, i've benefited much from this whole session. Tired, but the spirit is strong. There are lots need to be done. But right now i'll spent more time on my baby..
Monday, November 10, 2008
It is important for us to understand this as it will ultimately dictate the kind of life that we can live. A child who comes from a family background that is poor will have a tendency to believe that it is impossible for him/her to ever be rich. To have food on the table is considered luxury to them. In the circus, elephants when they are young are tied to a pole which is able to hold the strength of a young elephant. After struggling for a while to break lose and in vain, the elephant concludes that it is impossible to break free from the pole or the chains tied to him. When it grows up to be an adult elephant with strength 10 times greater, when it is tied to the same pole, it will not attempt to pull it down even if it has the ability to do so!
Today, i daresay many of us reading this blog are bounded with certain fixed belief system. To an average person, if i were to tell you that you can be a millionaire without changing your dollar notes to ruppiah, many would have said that i am crazy. But do you know that every min there are one millionaire sprouted up all over the world? Why can't it be you? If i were to say that you can be the top student in your school right now, will you give me a blank stare?
I have been meditating about this phase ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVED this week. From teachings i learnt in church and even the recent speech that Barack Obama gave in Chicago after the elections, I began to understand even more about the power of belief system that one can have? Unconsciously, we allow some of lids to restrict many of the things we could have done or achieve. Dr AR Bernard was sharing about the power of audacious goals. Audacious goals are those beyond perceived capacity which puts you to a place where you have no choice but to trust God. Indeed it is true that many of us including myself have allow ourselves to trap in this comfort zone only waiting to retire!
When you read till this point what comes to your mind? Ask this question, what is the one predominant thing that is running through your mind right now? What is something which you think is possible to achieve? Why it causes to think this way? Has anyone done that thing which you wanted to do? How did they do that?
Our lives will never change if our thinking never change. Your mind is the greatest asset you can ever have. Use it to the maximum!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New Birth!
I'm excited to write this blog. My first child Charis was born! It was a long 28 hours delivery, but i'm glad it's worth the wait. I recall it was 1030am thurs 9 Oct, when Andrea was pushed into the operating room. In about 20 mins, i saw my baby being push out from the operating room. The eyes were wide open and she is the most beautiful person i've ever seen!
The nurse took down her weight and measurement. She weighs a good 3.245kg, considered amazing for a small tummy Andrea has. She's 50cm long, with long beautifully defined toes.
From the picture below tells it all.

Now i'm busy taking care of her. Will write more in my next blog.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Encounter with God
The time now is 3.31am in the morning. Just came back from fellowshipping with some of the cell mates earlier. Today was the day of SOT graduation. 3 of my cell mates had graduated from SOT this year. Today's service was special to me. Pastor Alex Abraham shared a message which impacted me a lot about encounter with God.
Some people would often ask me why i love God so much or spend so much time serving in ministry. I would often smile at them. I know the reason is because of my personal encounter with God. Perhaps it's good for me to write my personal testimonies in this topic.
I came to know the Lord when i was 21. I remembered before i knew the Lord, i was often found alone at a park or playground in the middle of night gazing at the sky whenever unpleasant things or problems happened in my life, asking this question "is there a God, if so why this and that can happen to me?" Although i came from a buddhist family, besides enjoying to play with the joss papers, lighting of fire, burning joss sticks at designated hours each day. I never seriously pray to the idols in the house. I recalled i was made to kneel in front of the altar for more than 2 hours for something which i did not do. Cut the story short, i was never interested in spiritual things and i always considered myself a free thinker. I remembered once during my JC time, i was invited to a Christmas evangelistic session by a school mate, me and a friend laugh so loudly at the end when all were closing their eyes praying. God indeed is the one eventually laughing.
It was when i was in Army time, i had a real encounter with God. I was participating in a race when i collapse at the end point. That was the time when fear stuck me real deeply. Totally unconscious, i felt completely helpless. I saw myself as if in a long dark tunnel with no end to it. I thought to myself, am i dying? I kept thinking, i'm so young to die, only 21 of age. I want to get married and also take care of my parents. Please don't let me die.. At that moment, something struck me that i should pray. Having attend a period of Sunday school when i was young. I know about Jesus existence. Helplessly i started to pray to Him. God, if you exist, don't let me die! It was the moment after i said this, a ray of light came from the dark tunnel and stuck me in the face. I immediately shook myself up. I'm alive! From that day onwards, i knew God exist. I went to attend a church near my house. For weeks, i felt that there's peace. But too peaceful till i nearly fall asleep at times. I went to my first cell group meeting just opp my block and i never want to go back again. It was a one hour session, half the members came late. We played scrabbles for 15 mins, sang one song and hear a probably unprepared 5 mins message. I stopped attending the church after sometime.
Things took a change when i went to University. I was at an orientation camp, 2 girls from my orientation group had 'plotted' to invite me to their church. It was at Indoor Stadium. City Harvest was having their 12th anniversary celebration. The moment i stepped into the stadium, i felt an undescribable presence in the place. I was also impressed by all the ministries displayed. Poh looked like the taiwanese singer 'Zhou Hua Jian'. During the last part, there was an altar call given by Pastor Kong (at that time i didn't know who he was). I felt that every word he said was talking straight to me. I raised my hands in response to the altar call. Afterwhich, i was encouraged to go down to the front. I still remembered every step i took, my heart was pounding. Tear uncontrollably rolled down my eyes. God has touched me and my life was changed since. I continued to be planted in the house of God. Although there are ups and downs in my walk with Him, i stood on. I enrolled myself to SOT in the 2nd year, 2003 and thereafter i became a cell group leader till now.
Today God reminded me through Pastor Alex about encountering with God. If not for this experience with Him, i would never be doing what i'm doing now. Indeed His grace is sufficent for all. I know of many Christians who backslidded after some disappointments in life or their walk with God. It quite sad to see how their life move on without God. I pray that one day all those who have left will turn back some day. God, please show them the way of how you have shown me.
There's still a long way for me to go. Career, family, financial challenges are still ahead. I pray that i'll never lose my fervency for God. Let His kingdom come and His will be done in each and everyone of our life! Amen.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
BE an Overcomer!
1) Access your situation.
If you are willing to take some time to look into your problem or obstacles you faced, you'll realise that it's not that bad after all. Many a times when we face problems in life. We always choose to hide it or to run away from it. When things are not tackled at the level when it is created. It'll snowball and escalate to a bigger problem at a later stage. Don't let it have a chance to run lose. Learn to acertain the problem immediately it arises.
2) Don't try to repeat the methods that doesn't work!
Someone once say this. It is insanity to do things repeatedly and expecting different results. When a problem occur in our limited mind, we tends to start off by using the easiest, effortless methods to solve our problems. The method may have helped us solved easier problems in the past. However as times goes by, the 'enemy' or problems gets bigger and it'll be difficult to use the former methods to deal with it. Solutions? UPGRADE YOUR STRATEGIES!
3) Learn to celebrate each small step you take.
Just visualise a baby just starting it's first step. It may look clumsy and very unconvincing whether he can move on to take the next. But every good parents will know that it's important to cheer the kid on every step of the way. Similar for us when we are adults. We tend to put away the 'cheers' and celebrations when we did something right. And probably the asian mentally which often accredited all these things to luck. Learn to give yourself a pat and pamper yourself with some things for the right things you've done. The journey is still long. Learn to every small hurdle you've cross thus far.
4) Prepare yourself for the next challenges ahead.
Don't dwell on past victories for too long. Yes, as mentioned in previous points, we should celebrate the wins in our life. But people do tends to fall into comfort zone if they are not careful. In the example of corporate world. IBM use to be the market leader in PC industry experiencing success in manufacturing of CPUs. However as success leads to complacency in many of the managers in leaders in the company. When the era of notebooks, new technologies. IBM refuse to make new changes which they use to and as a results, many companies overtook them such as dell, apple etc and they end up having to do a lot of chasing work. Hence be quick to anticipate next changes in your life!
Rgds Alvin
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Matters of the Mind - Values
Before this blog turns into a white elephant, let me add on something that i learned recently to this new post.
Life is like a marathon race. You'll see a lot of people at the starting point but few at the finishing line. It is always easy to start things, but hardest is to follow it through. Many people want to achieve great things in life. But the moment they start, they began to see the pain of disciplining themselves to do the necesssary things to reach their goals. Think about setting goal to lose weight by going to gym, or to save up a sum of money at certain age.
Indeed key to success lies in the areas of discipline. Nothing comes easily in life. If your goal is something easy to achieve, most likely the goal is not something that is really important to you. Set an audacious but realistic goal and set your heart to complete it. Someone once said, it's not the matter of where is the destination, but the journey that you are going through. Through the journey, we see our characters being develop. Through the mountains and the valleys, you begin to see your capacitiy being stretch, a wider perspective of what life is all about.
Recently i heard a powerful message about values. Values are important to every individual. It's what we call the makeup of a person. You are judged by the values you hold dearly to your heart. A person, other than the outer shell of the person and how he/she sounds, what distinguishn him/her would be the values that one holds. For example, I can say John is an honest person because he was never seen doing things against his integrity or there is a specific incident whereby he was tempted to be dishonest, but he stood firm.
Values will determine the decisions we make in life. Most of us learnt values from people that are close to us when we are young, either our parents, teachers, close relatives and sources like media, magazines, internet etc.
Value is like a seed that is planted in a person. It takes time to cultivate them but over time it will produce good fruits. Hence it's important to decide at an early stage what values we should embrace in our life. What kind of person do you want to be known for?
I've list down 10 values which i believed is essential for everyone of us. This may not be the complete list. But this should be sufficient for anyone who wants to lay a good foundation of character in life.
1) Loyalty
2) Family
3) Accountability
4) Respect
5) Love
6) Faithfulness
7) Commitment
8) Hardwork
9) Integrity
10) Generosity
To be continued...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Transition refers to significant change in various aspects, phases of life. It ranges from students changing schools when they are young, from teenage maturation to adulthood, from single to attached, attached to married, married to parenthood, change of job, death of a close one and the list goes on.
When change is necessary, not to change is destructive. Transitions affected us emotionally, mentally, physically. If not handle well, one could end up falling into depression and other problems relating.
Hence I would like to share in this writeup on how are we able to handle any sort of transition well.
4 Keys to handling Transition:
1) Early preparation and planning
There's a saying fail to plan, plan to fail. Although not all transition come as expected. Many of us often have this mentally of when it comes, it comes. However a lot of times, most of the things that happened we can actually predict in advance but it's just that we don't want to do anything about it due to laziness or hoping that it will not happen. Often we wait until it happens or when things are announced before we start panicking and try to do some quick remedy of the situation. As a result it creates unneccesary emotional stresses and it takes more effort to salvage that when it was done much earlier. Some of you may ask, what's the use of planning early if it turns out different from what you expect? We can draw lessons from the corporate world, successful companies do wise budgeting to determine how much they will be spending in the next 3 quarters. Most company wind down even they might be profitable because of lack of cashflow to sustain the day to day running of the business. Similarly for individuals, one of thetop stresses is due to lack of proper planning in their finances and as a result causing one to breakdown and for some even resort to illegal means. I believe financial wisdom is essential and should be taught at the very early stage of life.
2) Isolate the problem
If you have watch the show Chicken little, you would have seen from the characters how people can react the moment something wrong has happen. When a problem or change sets in, it doesn't mean everything is falling apart. Take for an example in Mathematics, before Algebra came in, we are so use to numbers, addition, subtractions, division and multiplication. One morning in school, the teacher introduce this equation 3X + 4 = 19. Most of the students would start to worry is thing going to change all the things that they've learnt so far? The only change to this is actually 'X'. To solve this equation as we'll know is to put 3X to one side by subtracting 4 both sides to give us 3x = 19 - 4 to give us 3x = 15 and then divide 3 to both side to give us x = 5. Does the rest of the things change when X is introduce? Answer is no. Just is how we apply this to life. When a change comes about, do not let it affect all aspects of your life. Most of the times, our other aspects remains constant. Learn to deal with the issue independently.
3) Seek help from someone who has gone through similar situations.
Know that you are not the first nor the last who is going through your situation. Most of the time, you'll be able to find someone around you who has gone through the situation. Ask for advises, talk to someone you can trust or someone who has gone through your situation. Stresses can be reduced greatly when you have a channel to share how you feel. You'll be surprise by some of the advices you can get by just a 5-10 mins chat with another person. Learn from their experience and how you can handle the transition. Know that you are not alone and there is always a solution to any problem in life. If you really can't find anyone to share your problems with, as mentioned in the previous writeup, there are plenty of sources we can get from in today's world. Take some time to read books that pertain to the things you need help in. Eg Job transitions, preparing for wedding, how to be a good parents or any other self-help books which you can find in the bookstores or library.
4) Pray about it!
Praying is not showing that you are helpless. Praying is also not the last resort. In Matt 7:7 it says, Ask and it will be given, Seek and you'll find and knock and it shall be given to you. Many Christians don't pray is because they feel, what's the point of praying. It's not going to happen anyway. Prayer is not a magic trick. It won't happen immediately the moment after you pray. What it does is it will change your beliefs system. Our mind is like a giant magnet. What is in the core of it will attract similar thing. When you pray, you are confessing just like keying in information to your mind that yes it is possible to get out of the situation you are in. It will propell you to take actions which will change the results you desire. More importantly, it gives the peace of mind in believing that someone of a higher being is taking care of everything.
If you are going through periods of transition right now. Do try the 4 things i mentioned above. I believe if you do these things consistently to any change, you will find yourself handling change better and see positive results in time to come!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Winning In Life
One of the challenges i faced leading adults is to get them to believe that they can still achieve what they want even when they reach their late 20s and 30s. The truth is when you ask almost majority of them whether they like their jobs, many would shake their heads and have this surprising look on their facing seeming to say, you mean we are suppose to like what we are doing? As you began to talk to them, many realise something went wrong in the midst of pursuing their dreams. Some took on jobs they don't really like because of what it was available and what the short term reward gives to them. Many procrastinate and stuck in their comfort level until something or someone had to force them to leave what they have been doing for years.
Every year in our church we are taught and given this thing call the Goal setting Card. I'm going to share with you what is all about and I've added in a little more insight and practical ways about how we can go about doing this.
I believed that if all of us take the effort and time to do up this card. You'll discover more about yourself and achieve greater things in this lifetime.
What does this card comprises of for those who are outside of CHC?
You can download the card at the below website
Print out the card and take a pen as we go through this practically
It's given by this Acronym SMARTER
S - stands for Specific.
Survey done in 1953 in Yale University shows that out of the cohort of 500 students. Only 3% of the students had clear written down Goals. Years later, another survey was done to the same group of students on their income and results shows that the 3% combine income of those who had written down goals is 3 times more than the 97% added together!
Question is do you have something that is Specific about what you really want to achieve?
Many of us are stuck at this first point. There are hundred and one things in life that are good. Which is the one best for you?
Some good question to ask.
What is of interest to you? It could be your hobby. Thing that will catch your attention when you read the newspaper. Something you think you'll do even you are not paid to do.
Is it something that will excite you that will cause you waking up in the middle of the night thinking about it?
This first point is so important that it's worth taking 1/2 to an hour to think through this. (That's the concentration span of most individuals.) Alternative if you really can't think of anything, take a pen and a blank piece of paper to scribble as much things in your mind for 2 mins. Look through the list. Is that anything, one or two from the list that excites you?
Don't set a goal that is so easily achievable and post no challenge to you.
Great! Now you have done the first step. Categorize the things you have written into your goal card and let's move on.
Next M - stands for Measurable Goals.
To eat a big elephant you can either have a big mouth. Just talking about it but never do anything or you can cut the elephant into smaller pieces which is digestible. We need to give our goals a unit of measurement just as kilograms and grams for weight and meters and centimeters for length. What is the unit for your goals and dreams? We all need something that is visual, something we can track on, provide constant evaluation and feedbacks.
A - Stands for action plans. (Strategies to achieve the goals)
Every idea needs the hands and legs to move. Similarly for yours. How do we go about achieving what we want to do? This part is again not easy for many of us. But not easy doesn't mean you don't do! One of my favourite speaker Dr A R Bernard says this whatever things you want to be good in, you gotta take time to study. In this generation, we are blessed with technologies that allow us to find out almost anything from A-Z at the click of the button. Go to libraries, book stores and or read newspapers on articles anything that associate with your goal! Model successful people who have achieved what you desire to do. Learn from their strategies through the books that they have written or written about them.
R - Realistic. Is your goals realistic? You can afford to stretched your beliefs system a little bigger than yourselves. Of course not beyond the natural laws like the law of gravity by wanting to be a super hero if you know what i mean. Gauge the risk level of doing the task.
T - Time. How long you want to achieve your goals? Use this together with measurable portion. Break up into years, months, weeks or days if necessary.
E - Stands for Expectation Management.
What if things doesn't turn out well immediately when you started off doing? You plan to go to gym on Mon, Wed, Fri and Monday you had a very late meeting? Don't give the excuse of since you missed Monday, might as well miss wed and Fri. The moment you think about it, it'll happen! Nobody says if you don't bathe or eat a day, you'll stop eating the rest of your lives. Learn to be flexible and manage your emotions and expectation level well.
Last but not least,
R - Revelation (This part is for Christian mainly). What has God spoken to you? Is your goals in line with your Christian value system? How can you draw parallel between the goals that you set with the stories in the bible? Use a verse or a promise in the bible to support your vision.
Make it a point that you take a look at the goal card every one or two days. If need be, do slight adjustments. I believed that you'll be able to see results in a short period of time!
Matters of the Heart

This may not be the first you have visited nor will it be the last. Every blog i believed is created for a purpose. My intention for this blog is to create a channel where i'm able to record my thoughts process as i go through this lifetime and years down the road I'll remember all the things that I've learnt, situation i've encountered and decisions i've made. And in the midst of it I hope that it'll be of a help to many by inspiring, and changing the way people think when they go through the similar things and situations may it be Spiritual, Relationship with Family and friends, Career, Finances or any other areas.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Alvin and this year I'll be turning 29. I've been a christian for the past 7 years ever since i came to City Harvest Church in 2001, Aug 10. I'm married to a wonderful wife, Andrea for a year now and it has been one of the best decisions I've made.
In ministry, I'm serving in church as a cell group leader for the past 4 years and now taking greater responsibility in being a Senior Zone leader handling mainly adults.
I am working in the telco industry, StarHub Ltd since graduation from SIMU with a bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance.
Other things to mention, in NS, I'm a Company 2IC (2nd In Command) in a defence battallion holding the rank of Lieutanent.
My favourite past time is watching movie, playing snooker/pool, singing and worshipping God.
My favourite Speakers: Pastor Kong Hee, Dr A R Bernard, Dr Phil Pringle, Rev Ulf Ekman.
People i admire (Those who has set their hearts 100% to do what they are passionate in and has create an impact in the community that they are in):
Michael Jordan, Stephen Hendry, Jacky Cheung, Pastor Kong Hee.
Many people have different interpretation of what success is. To some are bringing food everyday on the table just like Stephen Chow in the recent show CJ7. To some are driving fanciful big cars, staying in condominiums, working at the top management of MNCs. So what exactly is the real definition of success? Would you be happy when you are in that position?
Someone once said Happiness is not a goal, it is a state and i fully agree on this. State is something you can change immediately. Happiness is a choice. Statistics shows that 90% of the people are unhappy all the time. Either they are unhappy about their jobs, bosses, relationships, husband and wife, their kids etc and etc.. the list goes on.
The issue lies in the perspective of things. A common analogy is the half filled glass. It can be deemed as half full or half empty or a coin that has 2 sides. When things happen, most of us tends to look at the negative aspect of the thing and judge the situation before even considering the other side and the possibility. The truth is that every problem lies an opportunity, every crisis leads to a greater breakthrough.
Imagine you have to write or tell a story about your life right now. How would your story be one that can captivate the audience? Would a bed of roses story works? Or a life full of crisis? Or one that went through tough challenges and setbacks and ultimately rose up to a place of victory?
Dr Edwin Louise Cole said this Champions are not those who never fails but those who never quits.
Real Success to me is the ability to go through series of setback without losing the passion and enthusiasm about pursuing your dreams in life.
Enjoy your life to the fullest each day!